Spongy Moths: Spring Protection of Your Trees

Mid-spring marks the start of the spongy moth caterpillar feeding season. The caterpillar stage is the most destructive stage, and caused a lot of defoliation of Niskayuna residents’ trees last year.  

To prepare for this year, if you plan to have your trees treated by an arborist, the best timeframe to do this is the end of March to the end of May.

There are several DIY options available:

The Niskayuna Tree Council held a seminar last summer on this topic with NY DEC Forester Scott Moxham that provides a lot of valuable information on this topic. You can watch that seminar at the following link: http://niskayunatreecouncil.org/spongy-moth-seminar-given-by-nys-forester-scott-moxham-june-16-2022/

Additional information can also be found on the NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation website at: https://www.dec.ny.gov/animals/83118.html

By preparing now, hopefully, Niskayuna residents’ trees will be less impacted this year than they were last year.

Also, our annual Arbor Day event will be held on Sat., April 29 from 11:00 am -1:00 pm at the Niskayuna Town Hall. We will be handing out free trees to residents and will have several Arbor Day booths and other activities.  Please come join us!