On October 7, 2020 a deroche and several tornados hit the Greater Capital District, and many old trees that had stood for decades in parks and neighborhoods were destroyed. As a result, National Grid provided $240,000 to local communities and cities hit hardest by the storm. The funding came from National Grid’s community funding and its 10,000 Trees Program. This program helps with restoration efforts and education by planting low-growing trees around utility equipment to significantly reduce or minimize utility line conflicts in the future. It is open to all municipalities responsible for tree and urban forest management in National Grid’s upstate service area.
Over this past summer, the Schenectady County Soil and Water Conservation District (SCSWCD) reached out to the Niskayuna Tree Council and collaborated with them to plant 40 trees in the street right of way on Dean St. These trees will help beautify the area, increase the tree canopy, and provide natural habitat for local birds and wildlife. Studies have shown that mature, tree-lined streets can also reduce traffic speed which has been an ongoing issue on Dean St.
The Niskayuna Tree Council contacted the home owners on Dean St. and worked with them to see if they wanted trees and what types they would prefer to have on the right of way in front of their properties. Some of the trees that were planted included: Serviceberry, Red Maple, Katsura, Gingko, Tupelo, Sourwood, Japanese Snowbell, Flowering Cherry, and various species of Dogwood and Redbud trees.
On October 7, 2021, the final tree on Dean St. will be planted as part of this restoration effort.
Special thanks to National Grid, Schenectady County Soil and Water, Schenectady County Public Works, Schenectady County Legislature, the Niskayuna Town Board and the Niskayuna Tree Council for their efforts on this initiative.”